Final project meeting
The fifth and final transnational project meeting of the project DEMINA - Innovation and Further Education in Destination Management, which is implemented with the financial support of the European Union under the Erasmus+ programme by a consortium of seven organisations from six countries and which is managed by the Hotel University in Prague, took place on 20-21 October 2022 in Prague. The partners focused on the final details and evaluation of the completed project deliverables, publicity and dissemination issues of the project, information on the multiplier events held in each partner country and a summary of the feedback received from the general professional public and renowned international experts. The partnership also discussed the possibilities of joint publication activities regarding the project and project outputs. An important part of the project meeting was also the final evaluation of the project and agreement on a summary evaluation report.
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Project multiplier event
On Thursday, 20th October, the Multiplier Event of the project and the presentation of the developed professional outputs took place in the conference rooms of Hotel Grandium Prague, where over forty experts from the field of tourism and vocational education gathered. The response to the developed professional materials was very good and we can be sure that our two-year work will not be wasted and will help to develop and improve the quality of planning and management in tourism.
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Training/Learning activity of the project
Academics and practitioners from five partner countries came to learn from examples of good practice in the Czech Republic as part of the DEMINA project, co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union, where the project's educational activity took place from 23 to 27 September. As part of the so-called Training/Learning Activity, carried out from 23 to 27 September 2022, representatives from Poland, Latvia, Bulgaria, Turkey and Croatia first visited Ostrava, where, in addition to the regional centre of Ostrava, they visited parts of Technotrasa, a unique regional tourism product in the Czech Republic. Among the visited places were, for instance, the Old Coal Mine Michal, the Wesselsky Water Mill, the Tatra Truck Museum in Kopřivnice or the tradional sweet pastry manufacture with opportunity to taste so called „Štramberk ears“ pastry. The participants benefited from the opportunity to learn from good practice, where they could see the result of long-term work to build and...
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The fourth project meeting, June 27-28, 2022
The 4th transnational project meeting of the project DEMINA – Innovation and continuing education in destination management, managed by The Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics Prague and implemented by a consortium of seven organizations from six countries with the financial support of the European Union under the Erasmus+ Program, took place on 27-28 June 2022 in Skrad, Croatia, at the headquarters of the partner organization PINS Skrad. The partnership discussed the current status of the implementation of project outputs and evaluated the materials created so far. Furthermore, the partners focused on completing the implementation of the training program and training methodology for the area of destination management and audit. After a discussion on the ongoing implementation activities, the partners agreed on the next step in completing the project outputs, planning the educational activity C1, which will take place in the Czech Republic, and on the system for obtaining...
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Third project meeting, 7-8 March 2022
The 3rd transnational project meeting of the project DEMINA – Innovation and continuing education in destination management, managed by The Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics Prague and implemented by a consortium of seven organizations from six countries with the financial support of the European Union under the Erasmus+ Program, took place on March 7-8 .2022 in Riga, Latvia. Due to the ongoing pandemic measures in some partner countries, the meeting took place partly in person and partly online, as some partners did not have the opportunity to participate in person.The partnership discussed the current status of the implementation of the first project output IO1 and evaluated the materials created so far. It also focused on the ongoing implementation of the IO2 project output, which contains an educational program and educational methodology for the field of Destination Management and Audit. After discussing the ongoing implementation activities, the partners agreed on...
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